Manageress for all german and english inquiries: Gabriela
Mobil: 0049 163 249 2404 ( only SMS ) 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
( I answer so fast as possible )
Mobil: 0034 697 286 464 ( by phone ) 8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.
e-mail: [email protected]
Please pay attention, that our email-answer
will not be classified as Junk-mail.
If you choose SMS-Booking please send me the following informations
( Date, time, name, hotel address, Lady-name )
I will answer within 2 hours
--- English bookings and castings are accepted only by email ---
Responsible Editor acc. § 5 MDStV:
Agency-Vip-Escort S.L.
Calle de Montgri 24
07816 Ibiza , Spanien
N.I.F. ES B57477788
email: [email protected]
phone: 0034 697 286 464
Registro Mercantil de Eivissa, Al Tomo 203 de Sociedades,
Folio 20, Hoja Numero IB-8716, Inscripcion 1
Who is responsible for the content of this website:
Gabriela Dewald
Calle de Montgri 24
07816 Ibiza, Spain
Post address in Germany:
Agency-Vip-Escort S.L.
c/o Christiane Dewald
Im Weingarten 25
65201 Wiesbaden
The contents of this website are subject to copyright. Each duplication, exhibition, sending, rental and/or lending of this website or its partial contents is prohibited without the permission of Agency-Vip-Escort and will be legally prosecuted. All rights reserved. Agency-Vip-Escort reserves itself the right to modify or improve the website at any time and without previous announcement.
All kinds of settings and links to other sites, contending illegal or pornographic material, are in no case authorized by the owner of these sites and are forbidden. Duplication of text or photos or to saving of contents need the advanced permission of the owner. All offends will be prosecuted! With your click to our sites you accept these terms and the disclaimer.