Payment via ePROMPT Germany Ltd

Safe and discreet
ePROMPT enables you to pay with your credit card without big effort, but safe and discreet!
How payment via ePROMPT works:
You give us the details of your credit card, like the 16 digit card number and the expiry date, which can be found on the front of your card, as well as the 3 digit CVV (Card Verification Value or card check digit) printed on the backside of your credit card.
A check is carried out by the respective credit card company. For your own safety, it is not possible to save credit card data or to retrieve the data on the system; consequently, data is only transferred but once. This effects a safe processing of the payment.
ePROMPT Germany Ltd. guarantees you absolute discretion! On your final invoice merely the words appear as posting text. Thus a conclusion of your booking at Agency-Vip-Escort is not possible from your credit card invoice.
Detailed information on the payment systems of ePROMPT Germany Ltd. can be obtained by clicking to www.e-prompt.deDetailed information on the payment systems of ePROMPT Germany Ltd. can be obtained by clicking to .